1930s Etched Glass Designs Viewed In Pale Blue Door
1930s style doors usually have a square glazed area at the top of the door as shown below but some other types of 1930s doors also have a slight arch so if your door has an arch, we can still make whatever design you like for your specific door glass shape and size.
The 1930s Etched Glass patterns shown here can also be selected for other door styles such as split glazed doors or half glazed doors. All glass can be ordered in either single glazed glass or double glazed units. We create all glass panels in toughened glass as standard.
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NOTE: We do not sell doors, just the glass
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Most etched glass designs shown on this website are displayed with an etched glass background with the detail being clear glass. We can also create the glass in the opposite way so the background is clear glass and the detail is etched.